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ISSN : 1229-6783(Print)
ISSN : 2288-1484(Online)
Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science Vol.14 No.3 pp.21-31

高危險群製造化學業體의 安全意識實態에 관한 硏究 (大企業化學業體를 對象으로)

허 관 회*, 안 형 환*
*한국교통대학교 안전공학과

A Study on Safety Awareness of High Risk Chemical Companies: (Focusing on Large Chemical Corporation)

Kwan-Heu Hur*, Hyung Hwan An*
*Department of Safety Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation


This study was conducted in order to assist with infusing safety consciousness and resolving insensitivitytowards safety for industrial accident in workers, managers and executives of chemical companies. Amongmany industrial accident prevention methods, Korea has been mostly taking an engineering approach ofpreventing industrial accidents by replacing old machines with risks of an accident and through new facilitiesand equipments. Through an attitude survey of workers in large scale chemical companies, this study wishedto examine the fact that the biggest reason why the accident rate for the past 10 years has not decreased isbecause safety consciousness has not been established yet.


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